Vegan choices and the benefits associated with that!

Vegan choices and the benefits associated with that!

Many people who choose to go vegan have doubts if they have made a good choice or not. They are worried if they are depriving their body of some vital nutrients that they would otherwise have access to.
Apart from the very basic satisfaction of not having to abuse any animal for the reason for self existence, Vegans have many other reasons to feel good about their choice. Below are few that will cheer you up !
  1. Better access to vital nutrients.
A vegan dies that does not rely on and animal or dairy products enables to increased intake of fiber & antioxidants. Plant based diet is also richer in potassium, magnesium, folate, and vitamins A, C, and E. All of these vital nutrients when derived from plant based foods gets better absorbed by the body which promotes a host of health benefits.
     2.  Aids better weight loss and weight management.
People who are looking for loosing excess weight have better chance when they switch to vegan diet compared to a non vegan diet. Vegan foods not only help to reduce excess weight but they also help regulate optimum weight and keep lower BMI scores.
     3.  Easy on digestion and low Sugar levels.
Plant based foods that vegans consume require less effort for the stomach acids to breakdown and this results in low stress on the digestive system. Vegan foods tend to be rich in fiber content that keeps proper bowel movement too. There are many studies conducted and researches that proves that Vegan foods help to maintain low blood sugar levels and helps in avoiding Type 2 Diabetes by increasing insulin sensitivity.
     4.  Low risk of Cancer
A vegan diet includes more legumes, fruits, and vegetables compared to non vegan, meat eater diets. This is one of the major reasons why vegans have much lower risk of cancer compared to the others. The option of soy in the vegan diet can have a considerable effect of reducing breast cancer in patients.
     5.    Healthy heart
Vegan foods include a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and less of smoked, processed foods which leads to a 42% lower risk of dying from heart disease. Also there are studies that reveal that vegan foods have a positive impact in reducing the LDL (Bad Cholesterol).   Vegans consume more whole grains and nuts in their diet and this particularly is good for your heart.
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